Methylxanthines (caffeine and its metabolites) and cotinine were analyzed
by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry in man blood and urine.
Retention times are represented by structure–property relationships. Biological plastic
evolution is an evolutionary approach combining the result of acquired features and
evolutionary indeterminacy–morphological determination–natural selection principles.
Its use in planning co-ordination descriptor gives powerful associations. The objective
is to develop a structure–property relation for qualitative and quantitative prediction of
xanthines retentions. Results contribute to xanthines relation prediction in man blood
and urine samples. Code MOPAC-AM1 allows molar formation enthalpy, and TOPO,
fractal indices, which show that for a given atom, energies and dimensions are sensitive
to the presence in the molecule of functional groups. Formation enthalpy, fractal
dimensions, etc. differentiate xanthines. Parameters needed for co-ordination descriptor
are formation enthalpy, molecular weight and bare surface area. Categorization
procedures are founded on information entropy and making. Xanthines allow a
structural classification by the figures of C+N+O and O atoms. Dissimilar performance
depend on the figure of C+N+O atoms. The innovation of the method is that two count
descriptors result connected to retention time. On using classification algorithms in
modest-extent collections, too much outcomes result matching to information, bearing
a combinatorial explosion. Notwithstanding, equipartition conjecture chooses a
criterion from categorization among hierarchical trees. Information entropy allows
categorizing molecules in accord with principal components analyses. Hierarchical
cluster and principal components analyses categorize xanthines into three groupings
and produce acceptable performance. Categorization benefit results in estimating
retention times for substances not comprised in the grouping. Caffeine is a drug model
because it is one of the most studied medicines. It is the world’s most widely consumed
psychoactive drug. Theobromine serves as lead for drugs development.
Keywords: Molecular classification, Information entropy, Entropy production,
Equipartition conjecture, Principal components analysis, Cluster analysis,
Metabolite, Clinical analysis, Caffeine, Nicotine, Xanthine, Cotinine.