This chapter introduces modern mass spectrometry for the detection of dyes
in foods. An LC/MS/MS method for the determination of 20 synthetic dyes is first
described. Followed high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) demonstrates the
modern screening method for illegal dye adulteration. There is an example of semitargeted/
non-targeted detection and structure confirmation of a non-permitted dye,
diethyl yellow, by quadrupole-orbitrap HRMS. Mass spectrometry operated on selected
reaction monitoring (SRM) is gold standard normally used for the detection of analytes
such as pesticides, veterinary medicines and additives such as dyes in complex matrix.
However, SRM only allows signals which fit target list to be recorded. It will lose all
information of semi-target, non-target or even unknown. A new concept called dataindependent
acquisition (DIA) overcomes the limitations of SRM and increases the
possibility of semi-target and non-target detection. This chapter includes the
application of DIA for simultaneously screening and confirmation of dyes in various
Keywords: Adulteration, Carminic acid, Colorants, Data-independent acquisition,
Dye, Non-targeted, Orbitrap, Semi-targeted, Sudan dyes, Sulforhodamine B.