The asymmetric hydrogenation of tetrasubstituted olefins has been one of
the most formidable challenges in the reduction of olefins. While the reduction of diand
tri-substituted olefins has grown at a rapid pace, the reduction of tetrasubstituted
olefins has grown at a much slower rate. However, there have been a number of pivotal
breakthroughs, from the reports of Zhou and Buchwald to the advent of the discovery
of the chiral phosphoramidite ligands. In addition, high throughput experimentation has
been very beneficial in the discovery of rapid and useful reaction conditions to affect
remarkable selectivities. This led to the discovery of rhodium-Josiphos based catalysts,
which have been frequently used in the asymmetric reduction of tetrasubstituted
Keywords: Asymmetry, Breakthroughs, Enantiotopic, Environmental,
Functionalized, High throughput screening, Hydrogenation, Hydrogenolysis,
Indenes, Iridium, Josiphos ligand, Ligands, Olefins, Palladium, Phosphoramidite
ligands, Rhodium, Ruthenium, Selectivity, Tetrasubstituted, Unfunctionalized,