The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection into the brain induces
neurotoxicity and neuropathology which are collectively termed as the neuroAIDS.
Brain delivery of therapeutic molecules continues to be the greatest challenge,
primarily because of the tightly-junctioned blood-brain barrier (BBB). Several nanovehicles
are under intensive examination for delivering drugs across the BBB.
Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) possess advantages over their counterparts because of
their potential utilization for non-invasive brain targeting using external magnetic
force. MNPs can be physicochemically modulated for engineering smart drug delivery
carrier as well. Nonetheless, rigorous research is required to fix associated
shortcomings of MNPs before their real-time application.
Keywords: Blood-Brain Barrier, HIV, Magnetic Nanocarriers, NeuroAIDS,
Neuropathogenesis, Synaptic plasticity.