Victims of terrorism are particularly vulnerable because this type of crime is
one of the violent crimes that constitutes a fundamental violation of human rights.
Thus, we could classify this special group as a vulnerable group that, as such, deserves
special protection within the legal sphere. So, in our opinion, one of the procedural
rights that should make up the legal status of victims of terrorism is “the right to the
truth of the facts”, in which the moral aspect is so important. That is why the
reconstruction of the truth of the facts serves as the basis for proper reparation of the
damage suffered by the victims and, therefore, for dispensing justice, one of the higher
values in our legal system, which is effectively attained in judicial proceedings when a
just ruling is issued, with the judge being the main guarantor thereof. Therefore we
analyse what constitutes “the right to the truth” at the procedural level, specifically, that
is construed as the right of the parties to know the truth of the facts in judicial
proceedings and the judge's corresponding duty to direct the proceedings towards
discovering the truth.
Keywords: Proceeding, Truth, Victims of terrorism, Vulnerable group.