This chapter presents a model based on Rawls-Senian equality discussion for
the social inclusion and the effectiveness of the rights of people with special needs as a
vulnerable group in Brazil. There are four topics. The main topics are the introduction
and the conclusion, and the middle ones treated, respectively, about the conceptions of
disability, and the social inclusion promotion, both according to the Brazilian
legislation and practices. In the topic, the conceptions of disability, this chapter brings
the three more widespread concepts in literature, that is, the medical, the social, and the
biosocial ones, demonstrating which is formally adopted in Brazil, and which is
practiced. In the topic, the promotion of social inclusion it is presented the Rawlsian
conception of justice and it's Senian criticism, both applied to the issue of special needs
as an attempt to establish the equality of opportunities as a first step toward a better
society for all people.
Keywords: Amartya Sen, Biosocial model, Equality of opportunities, Human
rights, ICD, ICF, ICIDH, John Rawls, Medical model, People with disabilities,
People with special needs, Social inclusion, Social model, Vulnerable groups.