Recent developments about physics of diffusion for the infection pathway of
virus in cytoplasm of a living cell are reported. Specifically, the following three issues
are discussed based on the experimental fact that the exponent of anomalous diffusion
of the virus fluctuates depending on localized areas of the cytoplasm. Firstly, a
theoretical framework developed in view of superstatistics offers a generalized
fractional kinetics for describing the infection pathway of the virus over the cytoplasm.
There, traditional theory of anomalous diffusion is generalized by introducing exponent
fluctuations. Then, the framework explicitly takes into account the existence of two
largely separated time scales in the infection pathway. Secondly, a statistical
distribution of the fluctuations proposed from the experimental data can be derived by
the maximum entropy principle. Thirdly, the motion of the virus over the cytoplasm
may obey a scaling law. Consequently, a kinetic theory for the infection pathway of the
virus in the cytoplasm is established.
Keywords: Anomalous diffusion, Exponent fluctuations, Generalized fractional
kinetics, Living cell, Maximum entropy principle, Scaling law, Shannon entropy,
Superstatistics, Time-scale separation, Virus infection pathway.