Prior studies have shown that information technology is effective in
increasing children’s vocabulary learning and reading comprehension; however, its
effect on bilingual or heritage language learning needs further investigation. This study
examines the effect of a self-learning vocabulary program by using bilingual picture
book apps designed employing the universal design for learning approach. Data were
collected from 39 primary school pupils from international marriage families in
Taiwan. The pupils were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The
experimental group used the tablets to read picture book apps while the control group
used printed picture books. The results showed that the experimental group performed
better on a Vietnamese vocabulary test than the control group. The results also
indicated that the pupils with higher proficiencies in their first language performed
better in Vietnamese vocabulary learning. Tablet picture book apps can be effective for
supporting bilingual learning because they are easy to operate and more fun to use than
traditional books. In addition, tablet picture books consist of a story context, word
games, and sounds, thus motivating children to learn the heritage language actively.
Keywords: Bilingual, Computer-assisted language learning, Cross-national
marriage, Heritage language, Information communication technology (ICT),
Mobile learning, Picture book apps, Self-learning, Tablet, Universal design for
learning (UDL).