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Book: AIoT and Big Data Analytics for Smart Healthcare Applications Page: 248-261 Author(s): Blaren D’Silva and Rathishchandra R. Gatti*
Book: AIoT and Big Data Analytics for Smart Healthcare Applications Page: 191-208 Author(s): Jidynasa Patil* and Anita Chaware
Book: Quick Guide in History Taking and Physical Examination Page: 101-150 Author(s): Nasser Ghaly Yousif*, Najah R. Hadi* and Fadhil G. Alamran*
Book: Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Anti Infectives Page: 1-46 Author(s): Christian Pasquali*, Daniel Zingg*, Stefania Ballarini*, Giovanni A. Rossi and Hermann Haller
Book: Handbook of Artificial Intelligence Page: 128-143 Author(s): Narmada Kari*, Sanjay Kumar Singh and Dumpala Shanthi
Book: Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Specialized Logistics in Healthcare Page: 105-124 Author(s): Yui-yip Lau*, Yuk Ming Tang* and Leung Wai Keung Alan*
Book: Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Specialized Logistics in Healthcare Page: 100-104 Author(s): Yui-yip Lau*, Yuk Ming Tang* and Leung Wai Keung Alan*
Book: Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis: An Agonizing Skeletal Triad Page: 96-113 Author(s): Mahdieh Abbasalizad Farhangi* and Ali Hojati
Book: Alternative Remedies and Natural Products for Cancer Therapy: An Integrative Approach Page: 28-48 Author(s): Rokeya Sultana*
Book: Biological and Medical Significance of Chemical Elements Page: 13-113 Author(s): Irena Kostova*