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Book: Science of Spices and Culinary Herbs - Latest Laboratory, Pre-clinical, and Clinical Studies Page: 148-174 Author(s): Wissam Zam
Book: Science of Spices and Culinary Herbs - Latest Laboratory, Pre-clinical, and Clinical Studies Page: 1-29 Author(s): Maryam Akaberi, Zahra Boghrati, Mohammad Sadegh Amiri and Seyed Ahmad Emami
Book: Marine Ecology: Current and Future Developments Page: 173-230 Author(s): Lizhao Chen, Sen Du, Dongdong Song, Peng Zhang and Li Zhang
Book: Marine Ecology: Current and Future Developments Page: 114-135 Author(s): Rabeea Zafar, Muhammad Arshad, Kanza Naseer, Muhammad Arif Ali, Zaheer Ahmed and Deedar Nabi
Book: Marine Ecology: Current and Future Developments Page: 1-11 Author(s): De-Sheng Pei, Muhammad Junaid and Naima Hamid
Book: Frontiers in Occupational Health and Safety Page: 114-157 Author(s): Achla Gupta and Farhana Zahir
Book: Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Anti-Cancer Agents Page: 22-49 Author(s): Shinichiro Morishita, Atsuhiro Tsubaki and Jack B. Fu
Book: Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Anti Infectives Page: 111-157 Author(s): Ayhan Filazi and Begum Yurdakok-Dikmen
Book: Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Anti Infectives Page: 41-110 Author(s): Patricia A. Vanny, Aline Machiavelli, Catherine W. Wippel, Jéssica de Andrade, Caetana P. Zamparette, Daniela C. Tartari, Thaís C.M. Sincero, Aguinaldo R. Pinto and Carlos R. Zárate-Bladés
Book: Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research - Anti Allergy Agents Page: 194-236 Author(s): Chhedi Lal Gupta, Rohit Kumar Tiwari, Neelam Pathak and Preeti Bajpai