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Book: Changing Landscapes in Urban British Churchyards Page: 31-40 Author(s): S. E. Thornbush and Mary J. Thornbush
Book: Frontiers in Cardiovascular Drug Discovery Page: 108-163 Author(s): Leidyanne Ferreira Gonçalves, Thereza Cristina Lonzetti Bargut and Caroline Fernandes-Santos*
Book: Stress Response and Immunity: Links and Trade Offs Page: 182-223 Author(s): Nadia Danilova
Book: Frontiers in Natural Product Chemistry Page: 216-227 Author(s): Atta-ur-Rahman
Book: Frontiers in Natural Product Chemistry Page: 55-94 Author(s): Kazuo Yamagata
Book: Herbal Medicine: Back to the Future Page: 1-45 Author(s): Luciana Dini, Stefania Mariano and Elisa Panzarini
Book: Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Diabetes and Obesity Page: 199-225 Author(s): Jose Roberto Santin, Marina Jagielski Goss and Nara Lins Meira Quintao
Book: Frontiers in Clinical Drug Research-Diabetes and Obesity Page: 135-198 Author(s): Cigdem Elmas and Cemile Merve Seymen
Book: Topics in Anti-Cancer Research Page: 202-220 Author(s): Elvan Y. Akyuz, Ozlem Aytekin, Banu Bayram and Yusuf Tutar
Book: Phytochemicals in Vegetables: A Valuable Source of Bioactive Compounds Page: 99-165 Author(s): Nikolaos Tzortzakis, Antonios Chrysargyris and Spyridon A. Petropoulos