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Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Design Volume: 8 Page: 1765-1780 Author(s): Eric J. Friedman
Journal: Current Gene Therapy Volume: 2 Page: 273-293 Author(s): Stuart A. Nicklin and Andrew H. Baker
Journal: Current Gene Therapy Volume: 2 Page: 323-339 Author(s): Valerie Legrand, Philippe Leissner, Arend Winter, Majid Mehtali and Monika Lusky
Journal: Current Gene Therapy Volume: 2 Page: 379-392 Author(s): O. Mazda
Journal: Current Medicinal Chemistry - Anti-Cancer Agents Volume: 2 Page: 605-612 Author(s): M. Folini, M. Pennati and N. Zaffaroni
Journal: Current Medicinal Chemistry - Immunology, Endocrine & Metabolic Agents Volume: 2 Page: 175-193 Author(s): Jacob Tfelt-Hansen, Shozo Yano, Edward M. Brown and Naibedya Chattopadyay
Journal: Current Genomics Volume: 3 Page: 245-263 Author(s): S. Ortega, M. Malumbres and M. Barbacid
Journal: Current Genomics Volume: 3 Page: 265-283 Author(s): Dionisio Martin-Zanca
Journal: Current Genomics Volume: 3 Page: 379-388 Author(s): Rogelio Gonzalez-Sarmiento
Journal: Current Pharmaceutical Design Volume: 8 Page: 1527-1545 Author(s): John R. Woolfrey and G. Scott Weston