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Current Cancer Therapy Reviews


ISSN (Print): 1573-3947
ISSN (Online): 1875-6301

Systematic Review Article

Brachial Plexopathy as a Complication of Radiotherapy: A Systematic Review

Author(s): Dheyauldeen Shabeeb, Ahmed E. Musa , Mansoor Keshavarz, Ehsan Mihandoust, Gholamreza Hassanzadeh , Mohammad R. Hadian, Alireza Shirazi and Masoud Najafi *

Volume 16, Issue 2, 2020

Page: [110 - 120] Pages: 11

DOI: 10.2174/1573394715666190724102937

TIMBC 2025

Background: Radiotherapy is a commonly used cancer treatment modality. However, radiation-induced complications are major drawbacks, especially at high doses. Radiation-induced brachial plexopathy (RIBP) is mostly observed in breast and lung cancer patients some months to years after radiotherapy. RIBP symptoms have negative effects on patients’ quality of life. The aim of this study was to review RIBP according to the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines.

Methods: Online databases (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Embase) were searched to retrieve relevant studies on brachial plexopathy as a complication of radiotherapy.

Results: Initial search results yielded a total of 657 articles. After careful screening of their titles and abstracts, according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 31 articles were finally included in this study. Findings from these 31 papers showed that a total of 9192 cancer patients had undergone radiotherapy for different regions including chest, axillary area, thoracic outlet, neck and breast. 26.4% of these patients had RIPB (associated with symptoms such as paresthesia, pain, weakness, and/or motor dysfunction, organ pathology/dysfunction etc.) with different follow up times, where 8.2% of patients had RIPB after a mean time of 1.2 years, 15.8% after 2.6 years, 51% after 5 years, 14% after 7.8 years, and 11% after 10.5 years.

Conclusion: From our findings, we can conclude that the issue of radiation-induced brachial plexus complication in human is of great concern. Common symptoms associated with this complication include paresthesia, numbness, pain and weakness. We recommend the use of individual dose planning and computer-assisted image segmentation techniques that support rapid and reliable contouring of the brachial plexus. Also, the radiation dose to the brachial plexus should be limited as much as possible to reduce the risk of brachial plexopathy.

Keywords: Radiotherapy, peripheral neuropathy, brachial plexopathy, irradiation, organ-conserving therapy, hormone therapy.

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