Title:Status Epilepticus: An Overview
Volume: 18
Issue: 3
Author(s): Venkata Ramesh Yasam, Venkatachalam Senthil, Satya Lavanya Jakki and Natarajan Jawahar
Anti-epileptic drugs, delivery systems, management protocols, drug therapy, status epilepticus, drug interactions.
Abstract: Status epilepticus (SE) is an emergency situation, where immediate and effective treatment is
required in least possible time as it is associated with neuronal damage, systemic complications, substantial
morbidity and mortality depending on status type, duration, age and etiology. In the past few years,
morbidity and mortality rate were improved, probably may be due to aggressive use of anti-epileptic
drugs in emergency situations. Present literature gives an overview of the conditions leading to SE and its
management guidelines in hospital and out of hospital setting emphasizing on the available drug