Title:The Suicidal Risks and Treatments, Seek Medications from Multi-disciplinary
Volume: 16
Issue: 3
Author(s): Da-Yong Lu, Peng-Peng Zhu, Ting-Ren Lu and Jin-Yu Che
Economic conditions, environmental factors, human genome, medicinal chemistry, neural toxicity, Psychiatric
Abstract: Suicide events and episodes are serious human psychiatric disorders affected by a great
number of different environmental/economic factors, early trauma/abuse, human bad living habits,
human genomic properties and drug intervention decisions. In order to improve antidepressant therapeutics
in clinics, the relationships between efficacy and toxicities of antidepressants have to be considered
fundamentally. Since the occurrences and risks of suicidal events or episodes come from interplay
between insiders (chemical/genomic/bioinformatics factors) and outsiders (economic/social/
previous trauma conditions and so on), new perspectives and scientific studies must be implemented
for revealing these interrelated factors step-by-step and updating therapeutics in human beings. New paradigms and clinical
strategies –joint-expert groups and clinical practices (a psychiatrist with other field specialists) should be established
for individual patients in future. Thus can some improvements in clinical trials be achieved in a long run?