Title:Recent Advances and Patents on Nanoscale Systems and Triggerable Drug Delivery in Medical Devices
Volume: 5
Issue: 1
Author(s): Sirinrath Sirivisoot, Rajesh A. Pareta and Thomas J. Webster
Nanomaterials, external stimulation, controlled drug release, implants, nanotechnology, prosthetics
Abstract: The emergence of nanotechnology has made a major impact in medical device technology. Nanosized materials
enable innovative solutions, including improvements in biocompatibility and advanced drug delivery systems. Through
nanotechnology, one can design and incorporate “intelligent” materials and devices, which can respond to their surrounding
environment or be externally triggered to improve their function. Various implantable medical devices for therapeutic
delivery purposes are in demand to deliver medication at a specific site in patients and to control the release of drugs and
genes by altering release times and/or rates to reach the maximum therapeutic benefit. In this review, the focus will be on
triggered drug delivery through external stimulation and nanoscale delivery platforms for implants and prosthetics.