Title: Bipolar Affective Disorder in Young People: A Review
Volume: 1
Issue: 4
Author(s): Bettina Bernstein
Bipolar disorder, adolescents, review, diagnosis and treatment, psychopharmacological treatment, mood stabilizing, antipsychotic, adolescence, BD, mental illness
Abstract: Bipolar disorder (BD) is an uncommon, but not rare, psychiatric disorder, that often has its onset during adolescence. This disorder is associated with a significant burden of illness both during adolescence and in subsequent adult life. Although a serious and persistent mental illness, it can be treated effectively so that functional impairment is minimized. Early diagnosis and prompt and effective treatment is important. This article provides a brief overview of the diagnosis and treatment of this disorder. In addition to the various medications (mood stabilizing, antipsychotic), and psychosocial interventions that have demonstrated efficacy, the use of alternative forms of treatment, such as herbal supplements, may have a role as adjuncts in helping with mood and with sleep architecture.