Title: Unexpected Altered Specificity Is Responsible for St. Louis Encephalitis Virus Recombinant Protease Autoproteolysis
Volume: 14
Issue: 1
Author(s): Boris A.M. Pastorino, Christophe N. Peyrefitte, Marc Grandadam, Regine Lebrun, Danielle Moinier, Dominique Rolland, Hugues J. Tolou and Mael Bessaud
Altered specificity, autoproteolysis, flavivirin, NS3, trypsin-like serine protease
Abstract: We report herein the study of the cleavage fragments generated by autoproteolysis of the St. Louis encephalitis virus recombinant protease. The cleavage sites leading to truncated forms were identified by microsequencing, which revealed an unexpected altered specificity of the recombinant proteinase towards unusual sequences.