Review Article

Urinary miRNAs: Technical Updates

Author(s): Santhi Raveendran*, Alia Al Massih, Muna Al Hashmi, Asma Saeed, Iman Al-Azwani, Rebecca Mathew and Sara Tomei

Volume 13, Issue 2, 2024

Published on: 20 May, 2024

Page: [110 - 123] Pages: 14

DOI: 10.2174/0122115366305985240502094814

Price: $65

TIMBC 2025

Due to its non-invasive nature and easy accessibility, urine serves as a convenient biological fluid for research purposes. Furthermore, urine samples are uncomplicated to preserve and relatively inexpensive.

MicroRNAs (miRNAs), small molecules that regulate gene expression post-transcriptionally, play vital roles in numerous cellular processes, including apoptosis, cell differentiation, development, and proliferation. Their dysregulated expression in urine has been proposed as a potential biomarker for various human diseases, including bladder cancer. To draw reliable conclusions about the roles of urinary miRNAs in human diseases, it is essential to have dependable and reproducible methods for miRNA extraction and profiling.

In this review, we address the technical challenges associated with studying urinary miRNAs and provide an update on the current technologies used for urinary miRNA isolation, quality control assessment, and miRNA profiling, highlighting both their advantages and limitations.

Keywords: miRNA, urine, isolation, profiling, cancer, biomarkers.

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