Title:Advances in the Treatment of Kidney Disorders using Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Volume: 30
Issue: 11
Author(s): Shivam Rajput, Rishabha Malviya*Prerna Uniyal
- Department of Pharmacy, School of Medical and Allied Sciences, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
Stem cells, kidney disease, mesenchymal stem cell, pluripotent stem cell, tissue regeneration, kidney transplantation.
Abstract: Renal disease is a medical condition that poses a potential threat to the life of an individual and is related
to substantial morbidity and mortality rates in clinical environments. The aetiology of this condition is influenced
by multiple factors, and its incidence tends to increase with progressive aging. Although supportive
therapy and kidney transplantation have potential advantages, they also have limitations in terms of mitigating
the progression of KD. Despite significant advancements in the domain of supportive therapy, mortality rates
in patients continue to increase. Due to their ability to self-renew and multidirectionally differentiate, stem cell
therapy has been shown to have tremendous potential in the repair of the diseased kidney. MSCs (Mesenchymal
stem cells) are a cell population that is extensively distributed and can be located in various niches
throughout an individual's lifespan. The cells in question are characterised by their potential for indefinite replication
and their aptitude for undergoing differentiation into fully developed cells of mesodermal origin under
laboratory conditions. It is essential to emphasize that MSCs have demonstrated a favorable safety profile and
efficacy as a therapeutic intervention for renal diseases in both preclinical as well as clinical investigations.
MSCs have been found to slow the advancement of kidney disease, and this impact is thought to be due to
their control over a number of physiological processes, including immunological response, tubular epithelial-
mesenchymal transition, oxidative stress, renal tubular cell death, and angiogenesis. In addition, MSCs demonstrate
recognised effectiveness in managing both acute and chronic kidney diseases via paracrine pathways.
The proposal to utilise a therapy that is based on stem-cells as an effective treatment has been put forward
in search of discovering novel therapies to promote renal regeneration. Preclinical researchers have demonstrated
that various types of stem cells can provide advantages in acute and chronic kidney disease. Moreover,
preliminary results from clinical trials have suggested that these interventions are both safe and well-tolerated.
This manuscript provides a brief overview of the potential renoprotective effects of stem cell-based
treatments in acute as well as chronic renal dysfunction. Furthermore, the mechanisms that govern the process
of kidney regeneration induced by stem cells are investigated. This article will examine the therapeutic approaches
that make use of stem cells for the treatment of kidney disorders. The analysis will cover various cellular
sources that have been utilised, potential mechanisms involved, and the outcomes that have been
achieved so far.