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Current Drug Therapy


ISSN (Print): 1574-8855
ISSN (Online): 2212-3903

Review Article

Improving Women's Health and Immunity: A Thorough Mapping Micronutrients and Dietary Recommendations

Author(s): Rashmi Saxena Pal*, Yogendra Pal, Motamarri Venkata Naga Lalitha Chaitanya, Neha Sharma, Anjana Rani, Shubham Kumar and Preeti Srivastava

Volume 20, Issue 2, 2025

Published on: 19 February, 2024

Page: [180 - 188] Pages: 9

DOI: 10.2174/0115748855284781240202054050

Price: $65

TIMBC 2025

In particular, throughout life, women's health depends on having an ideal micronutrient level. Thus, pregnancy outcomes and the long-term health of a woman's offspring are significantly influenced by her physical and nutritional well-being during the preconception stage. Various nutrients are required in sufficient amounts to fulfill the requirements at the various phases in the life of females. Our analysis of the state of nutrition shows illnesses connected to micronutrient deficiencies, particularly anemia and its related deficiencies. Peer-reviewed publication databases and publicly available data from international and national sources were targeted in a structured literature search to sort out the direct or indirect association between the different micronutrients, their levels, sources and significance in the various stages of life of females. The goal of the current review is to identify any direct or indirect relationships between the numerous micronutrients, their sources, concentrations, and importance at different phases of female development.

Keywords: Micronutrients, women, health, reproduction, nutrition, illness.

Graphical Abstract
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