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Current Genomics


ISSN (Print): 1389-2029
ISSN (Online): 1875-5488

Review Article

COVID-19: Recent Insight in Genomic Feature, Pathogenesis, Immunological Biomarkers, Treatment Options and Clinical Updates on SARS-CoV-2

Author(s): Rohitas Deshmukh*, Ranjit Kumar Harwansh, Akash Garg, Sakshi Mishra, Rutvi Agrawal and Rajendra Jangde

Volume 25, Issue 2, 2024

Published on: 07 February, 2024

Page: [69 - 87] Pages: 19

DOI: 10.2174/0113892029291098240129113500

Price: $65


SARS-CoV-2 is a highly contagious and transmissible viral infection that first emerged in 2019 and since then has sparked an epidemic of severe respiratory problems identified as “coronavirus disease 2019” (COVID-19) that causes a hazard to human life and safety. The virus developed mainly from bats. The current epidemic has presented a significant warning to life across the world by showing mutation. There are different tests available for testing Coronavirus, and RTPCR is the best, giving more accurate results, but it is also time-consuming. There are different options available for treating n-CoV-19, which include medications such as Remdesivir, corticosteroids, plasma therapy, Dexamethasone therapy, etc. The development of vaccines such as BNT126b2, ChAdOX1, mRNA-1273 and BBIBP-CorV has provided great relief in dealing with the virus as they decreased the mortality rate. BNT126b2 and ChAdOX1 are two n-CoV vaccines found to be most effective in controlling the spread of infection. In the future, nanotechnology- based vaccines and immune engineering techniques can be helpful for further research on Coronavirus and treatment of this deadly virus. The existing knowledge about the existence of SARS-- CoV-2, along with its variants, is summarized in this review. This review, based on recently published findings, presents the core genetics of COVID-19, including heritable characteristics, pathogenesis, immunological biomarkers, treatment options and clinical updates on the virus, along with patents.

Keywords: SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, coronavirus, biomarkers, omicron, delta variant.

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Parikh, P.; Parker, S.; Parungao, R.; Pavie, J.R.; Madan, R.P.; Peralta, H.; Petts, J.; Pierce, K.K.; Pretell Alva, E.J.; Purpura, L.J.; Raabe, V.; Recuenco, S.E.; Richards, T.; Riddler, S.A.; Rizzardi, B.; Rokser, R.; Rolle, C-P.; Rosen, A.; Rosen, J.; Freese, L.R.; Santolaya, M.E.; Schipani, L.M.; Schwartz, A.; Schwasinger-Schmidt, T.; Scott, H.; Sha, B.E.; Shankaran, S.; Shapiro, A.E.; Sharp, S.C.; Shopsin, B.; Sims, M.D.; Skipper, S.; Smith, D.M.; Smith, M.J.; Sobhanie, M.M.; Sovic, B.; Sterling, S.; Striker, R.; Tafur Bances, K.B.; Talaat, K.R.; Tavel, E.M., Jr; Tieu, H.V.; Tomaszewski, C.; Tomlinson, R.; Torres, J.P.; Torres, J.A.; Treanor, J.J.; Tukuru, S.; Ulrich, R.J.; Utz, G.C.; Viar, V.; Viau Colindres, R.A.; Walsh, E.E.; Walsh, M.C.; Walter, E.B.; Weidler, J.L.; Wu, Y.H.; Yang, K.S.; Yrivarren Giorza, J.L.; Zemanek, A.L.; Zhang, K.; Zingman, B.S.; Gorman, R.; Paez, C.A.; Swann, E.; Takuva, S.G.; Greninger, A.; Roychoudhury, P.; Coombs, R.W.; Jerome, K.R.; Castellino, F.; Tong, X.; Pavetto, C.; Gipson, T.; Tong, T.; Lee, M.; Zhou, J.; Fay, M.; McQuarrie, K.; Nnadi, C.; Sogbetun, O.; Ahmad, N.; De Proost, I.; Hoseyni, C.; Coplan, P.; Khan, N.; Ronco, P.; Furey, D.; Meck, J.; Vingerhoets, J.; Brandenburg, B.; Custers, J.; Hendriks, J.; Juraszek, J.; Marit de Groot, A.; Van Roey, G.; Heerwegh, D.; Van Dromme, I.; Méndez Galván, J.F.; Carrascal, M.B.; Duran, A.S.; Sanchez Guerrero, L.R.; Gómora Madrid, M.C.; Barrat Hernández, A.Q.; Guizar, S.M.; González Estrada, D.A.; Martínez Pérez, S.O.; Zárate Hinojosa, Z.Y.; Ruiz-Palacios, G.M.; Cruz-Valdez, A.; Pacheco-Flores, J.; Lara, A.; Díaz-Miralrio, S.; Reyes Fentanes, M.J.; Olmos Vega, J.Z.; Méndez, D.P.; Martínez, K.C.; Alvarez León, W.S.; Ruiz Herrera, V.V.; Vázquez Saldaña, E.G.; Camacho Choza, L.J.; Vega Orozco, K.S.; Ortega Domínguez, S.J.; Chacón, J.A.; Rivera, J.J.; Cutz, E.A.; Ortegón, M.E.; Rivera, M.I.; Browder, D.; Burch, C.; Moye, T.; Bondy, P.; Browder, L.; Manning, R.D.; Hurst, J.W.; Sturgeon, R.E.; Wakefield, P.H.; Kirby, J.A.; Andersen, J.; Fearon, S.; Negron, R.; Medina, A.; Hill, J.M.; Rajasekhar, V.; Williams, H.; Cade, L.S.; Fouts, R.; Moya, C.; Anderson, C.G.; Devine, N.; Ramsey, J.; Perez, A.; Tatelbaum, D.; Jacobs, M.; Menasche, K.; Mirkil, V.; Winkle, P.J.; Haggag, A.Z.; Haynes, M.; Villegas, M.; Raja, S.; Riesenberg, R.; Plavin, S.; Lerman, M.; Woodside, L.; Johnson, M.; Healy, C.M.; Whitaker, J.A.; Keitel, W.A.; Atmar, R.L.; Horwith, G.; Mason, R.; Johnson, L.; Dora, T.; Murray, D.; Cancilla, M.; Ledbetter, L.; Ewing, B.; Stephenson, K.E.; Tan, C.S.; Zash, R.; Ansel, J.L.; Jaegle, K.; Guiney, C.J.; Henderson, J.A.; O’Leary, M.; Enright, K.; Kessler, J.; Ducheneaux, P.; Inniss, A.; Brandon, D.M.; Davis, W.B.; Lawler, D.T.; Oppong, Y.D.; Starr, R.P.; Syndergaard, S.N.; Shelly, R.; Majumder, M.I.; Sugimoto, D.; Dugas, J., Sr; Rijos, D.; Shelton, S.; Hong, S.; Schwartz, H.; Sanchez-Crespo, N.; Schwartz, J.; Piedra, T.; Corral, B.; Medina, C.; Dever, M.E.; Shah, M.; Delgado, M.; Scott, T.; Usdan, L.S.; McGill, L.J.; Arnold, V.K.; Scatamacchia, C.; Anthony, C.M.; Merchant, R.; Yoon, A.C.; Hill, J.; Ng-Price, L.; Thompson-Seim, T.; Ackerman, R.; Ackerman, J.; Aristy, F.; Ketter, N.; Finley, J.; Stull, M.; Murray, M.; Rizvi, Z.; Guerrero, S.; Paliwal, Y.K.; Paliwal, A.; Gordon, S.; Gordon, B.; Montano-Pereira, C.; Galloway, C.; Montros, C.; Aleman, L.; Shairi, S.; Van Ever, W.; Freeman, G.H.; Harmon, E.L.; Cross, M.A.; Sales, K.; Gular, C.Q.; Hepburn, M.; Alderson, N.; Harshell, S.; Mahgoub, S.; Maxwell, C.; Mellman, T.; Thompson, K.M.; Wortman, G.; Kingsley, J.; Pixler, A.; Curry, L.K.; Afework, S.; Swanson, A.; Jacqmein, J.; Bowers, M.; Robison, D.; Mosteller, V.; Garvey, J.; Easley, M.; Kurnat, R.J.; Cornelison, R.; Gower, S.; Schnitz, W.; Heinzig-Cartwright, D.S.; Lewis, D.; Newton, F.E.; Duhart, A.; Watkins, B.; Ball, B.; York, J.; Pickle, S.; Musante, D.B.; Silver, W.P.; Belhorn, L.R.; Viens, N.A.; Dellaero, D.; Hong, M.; Patel, P.; Lisec, K.; Safirstein, B.; Zapata, L.; Gonzalez, L.; Quevedo, E.; Irani, F.; Grillo, J.; Potts, A.; White, J.; Flume, P.; Headden, G.; Taylor, B.; Warden, A.; Chamberlain, A.; Jeanfreau, R.; Jeanfreau, S.; Matherne, P.G.; Caldwell, A.; Stahl, J.; Vowell, M.; Newhouse, L.; Berthaud, V.; Takizala, Z-M.; Beninati, G.; Snell, K.; Baker, S.; Walker, J.; Harrison, T.; Miller, M.; Otto, J.; Gray, R.; Wilson, C.; Nemecek, T.; Harrington, H.; Nutsch, C.; Eppenbach, S.; Lewis, W.; Bourgeois, T.; Folsom, L.; Holt, G.; Mirsaeidi, M.; Calderon, R.; Lichtenberger, P.; Quintero, J.; Martinez, B.; Immergluck, L.; Johnson, E.; Chan, A.; Fas, N.; Thomas-Seaton, L.T.; Khizer, S.; Staben, J.; Beresnev, T.; Jahromi, M.; Marovich, M.A.; Hutter, J.; Nason, M.; Ledgerwood, J.; Mascola, J.; Leibowitz, M.; Morales, F.; Delgado, M.; Sanchez, R.; Vega, N.; Áñez, G.; Albert, G.; Coston, E.; Desai, C.; Dunbar, H.; Eickhoff, M.; Garcia, J.; Kautz, M.; Lee, A.; Lewis, M.; McGarry, A.; McKnight, I.; Nelson, J.; Newingham, P.; Price-Abbott, P.; Reed, P.; Vegas, D.; Wilkinson, B.; Smith, K.; Woo, W.; Cho, I.; Glenn, G.M.; Dubovsky, F.; Fried, D.L.; Haughey, L.A.; Stanton, A.C.; Rameaka, L.S.; Rosenberg, D.; Tomatsu, L.; Gonzalez, V.; Manalo, M.; Grunstra, B.; Quinn, D.; Claybrook, P.; Olds, S.; Dye, A.; Cannon, K.D.; Chadwick, M.M.; Jordan, B.; Hussey, M.; Nevarez, H.; Kelley, C.F.; Chung, M.; Moran, C.; Rebolledo, P.; Bacher, C.; Barranco-Santana, E.; Rodriguez, J.; Mendoza, R.; Ruperto, K.; Olivieri, O.; Ocaña, E.; Wylie, P.E.; Henderson, R.; Jenson, N.; Yang, F.; Kelley, A.; Finkelstein, K.; Beckmann, D.; Hutchins, T.; Escallon, S.G.; Johnson, K.; Sligh, T.S.; Desai, P.; Huynh, V.; Lopez, C.; Mendoza, E.; Adelglass, J.; Naifeh, J.G.; Kucera, K.J.; Chughtai, W.; Jaffer, S.H.; Davis, M.G.; Foley, J.; Burgett, M.L.; Shlotzhauer, T.L.; Ingalsbe-Geno, S.M.; Duncanson, D.; Kush, K.; Nesbitt, L.; Sonnier, C.; McCarter, J.; Butcher, M.B.; Fry, J.; Percy, D.; Freudemann, K.; Gebhardt, B.C.; Mangu, P.N.; Schroeck, D.B.; Davit, R.K.; Hennekes, G.D.; Luft, B.J.; Carr, M.; Nachman, S.; Pellecchia, A.; Smith, C.; Valenti, B.; Bermudez, M.I.; Peraita, N.; Delgado, E.; Arrazcaeta, A.; Ramirez, N.; Amador, C.; Marafioti, H.; Dang, L.; Clement, L.; Berry, J.; Allaw, M.; Geuss, G.; Miles, C.; Bittner, Z.; Werne, M.; Calinescu, C.; Rodman, S.; Rindt, J.; Cooksey, E.; Harrison, K.; Cooper, D.; Horton, M.; Philyaw, A.; Jennings, W.; Alvarado, H.; Baka, M.; Regalado, M.; Murray, L.; Naguib, S.; Singletary, J.; Richmond, S-W.; Omodele, S.; Oppenheim, E.; Pearlman, L.; Martinez, R.; Andriulis, V.; Singer, L.; Blevins, J.; Thomas, M.; Hull, C.; Pereira, I.; Rivero, G.; Okonya, T.; Downing, F.; Miller, P.; Rhee, M.; Stapleton, K.; Klein, J.; Hong, R.; Swan, S.; Wahlin, T.; Bennett, E.; Salzl, A.; Phan, S.; White, J.J.; Occhino, A.; Paiano, R.; McLaughlin, M.; Swieboda, E.; Garcia-Fragoso, V.; Becerra, M.G.; White, T.; Turley, C.B.; McWilliams, A.; Esinhart, T.; Montoya, N.; Huskey, S.; Paul, L.; Tashima, K.; Johnson, J.; Neill, M.; Sanchez, M.; Rybak, N.; Mileno, M.; 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