Research Article

Single Injection AAV2-FGF18 Gene Therapy Reduces Cartilage Loss and Subchondral Bone Damage in a Mechanically Induced Model of Osteoarthritis

Author(s): Judith M. Hollander, Alex Goraltchouk, Jingshu Liu, Ellyn Xu, Francesco Luppino, Timothy E. McAlindon, Li Zeng* and Alexey Seregin*

Volume 24, Issue 4, 2024

Published on: 30 January, 2024

Page: [331 - 345] Pages: 15

DOI: 10.2174/0115665232275532231213063634

Price: $65

TIMBC 2025

Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a highly debilitating, degenerative pathology of cartilaginous joints affecting over 500 million people worldwide. The global economic burden of OA is estimated at $260-519 billion and growing, driven by aging global population and increasing rates of obesity. To date, only the multi-injection chondroanabolic treatment regimen of Fibroblast Growth Factor 18 (FGF18) has demonstrated clinically meaningful disease-modifying efficacy in placebo-controlled human trials. Our work focuses on the development of a novel single injection disease-modifying gene therapy, based on FGF18’s chondroanabolic activity.

Methods: OA was induced in Sprague-Dawley rats using destabilization of the medial meniscus (DMM) (3 weeks), followed by intra-articular treatment with 3 dose levels of AAV2-FGF18, rh- FGF18 protein, and PBS. Durability, redosability, and biodistribution were measured by quantifying nLuc reporter bioluminescence. Transcriptomic analysis was performed by RNA-seq on cultured human chondrocytes and rat knee joints. Morphological analysis was performed on knee joints stained with Safranin O/Fast Green and anti-PRG antibody.

Results: Dose-dependent reductions in cartilage defect size were observed in the AAV2-FGF18- treated joints relative to the vehicle control. Total defect width was reduced by up to 76% and cartilage thickness in the thinnest zone was increased by up to 106%. Morphologically, the vehicle- treated joints exhibited pronounced degeneration, ranging from severe cartilage erosion and bone void formation, to subchondral bone remodeling and near-complete subchondral bone collapse. In contrast, AAV2-FGF18-treated joints appeared more anatomically normal, with only regional glycosaminoglycan loss and marginal cartilage erosion. While effective at reducing cartilage lesions, treatment with rhFGF18 injections resulted in significant joint swelling (19% increase in diameter), as well as a decrease in PRG4 staining uniformity and intensity. In contrast to early-timepoint in vitro RNA-seq analysis, which showed a high degree of concordance between protein- and gene therapy-treated chondrocytes, in vivo transcriptomic analysis, revealed few gene expression changes following protein treatment. On the other hand, the gene therapy treatment exhibited a high degree of durability and localization over the study period, upregulating several chondroanabolic genes while downregulating OA- and fibrocartilage-associated markers.

Conclusion: FGF18 gene therapy treatment of OA joints can provide benefits to both cartilage and subchondral bone, with a high degree of localization and durability.

Keywords: AAV-FGF18, Osteoarthritis, cartilage, gene therapy, Subchondral bone damage, RNA-seq analysis.

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