Title:The Differences of Blood Group Typing using Erythrocytes and Leukocytes
Volume: 5
Author(s): Kravchun Pavlo, Leontyeva Frida, Povelichenko Olena and Dielievska Valentyna*
- Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology, Named After Academician LT Malaya, Kharkiv National Medical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Adsorption, Leukocytes, Erythrocytes, Agglutination, Transplantation, Plasma.
Adsorption and mixed agglutination reactions detect A, B, and H blood group antigens in the cells.
The study aimed to investigate the adsorbing abilities of group-specific polyclonal antibodies using erythrocytes and leukocytes to improve the
quality of blood typing.
Material and Methods:
The adsorption was performed with group B erythrocytes and leukocytes using the usual heated citrated anti-B plasma at 4°C and 37°C. A mixed
agglutination reaction revealed group B antigens on leukocytes and erythrocytes.
The highest adsorption of antibodies from usual plasma on erythrocytes was observed at 4°C at physiological conditions. Weaker adsorption was
determined at pH 8.0 compared to pH 6.0 (the decrease of agglutination strength from 3+ to 2+ and 1+ accordingly).
The adsorption of polyclonal antibodies on erythrocytes at 37°C was the highest at pH 6.0 and 8.0 compared to physiological conditions (the
decrease of agglutination strength from 3+ to 1+). In contrast, adsorption at 4°C appeared to be stronger at pH 6.0.
The adsorption of IgG antibodies on erythrocytes at 37°C was higher at pH 8.0.
Complete adsorption of IgG antibodies was observed on group B erythrocytes and leukocytes at 37°C and 4°C.
Adsorption of polyclonal group-specific antibodies on erythrocytes was the highest at 4°C, and adsorption of IgG antibodies was strong at 4°C and
37°C. Adsorption of leukocytes was revealed only with the use of the heated serum. IgG group-specific antibodies from the heated plasma
demonstrated higher adsorbing abilities on leukocytes than IgM antibodies from plasma.