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Current Nanomedicine


ISSN (Print): 2468-1873
ISSN (Online): 2468-1881

Systematic Review Article

A Systematic Review on the Potential Applications of Theranostic Nanoparticles in Diabetes and its Associated Complication Diabetic Neuropathy

Author(s): Uddhav Patangia, Kalpita Bhatta, Himangi Vig, Sneh Priya, Ankita Wal, Lalit Kumar Tyagi and Pranay Wal*

Volume 14, Issue 3, 2024

Published on: 19 January, 2024

Page: [247 - 265] Pages: 19

DOI: 10.2174/0124681873265152231229042106

Price: $65


Background: Diabetes neuropathy is a frequent ailment that has a substantial impact on patients by increasing the risk of falls and causing discomfort. The lower extremities are where diabetic neuropathy patients first feel pain. This discomfort could seem like a pinprick, an electric shock, or something else.

Objective: Here, we give a comprehensive overview of this quickly developing theranostic application that includes all relevant imaging, diagnostic, therapeutic, and monitoring elements for the management of diabetes and diabetes neuropathy.

Methods: The data for the current study was gathered by searching PubMed and Google Scholar. Several research and review publications from various publishers, including Springer Nature, Bentham Science, PLOS one, MDPI, and ACS Publishing Centre, were evaluated to compile the data.

Result: Recent developments in theranostics have shown promise as alternate management approaches for diabetes and ailments linked to diabetes. Numerous nanotechnology-built biosensors, including multiwalled carbon nanotubes, copper nanowires, zinc oxide tetrapods, and nanoparticle- embedded contact lenses, offer benefits in monitoring diabetic neuropathy.

Conclusion: The potency, usability, and dependability of insulin substitutes have been demonstrated by a variety of innovative methods for the management of diabetes, which includes nanotechnology approaches using Gene-Based Nanoparticles (siRNA), Liposomes, Exosomes/ Extracellular Vesicles, Neuromodulation, and Inhalable Nanoparticles. Over the past few years, the development of various theranostic nanoparticles for Diabetic neuropathy has experienced an unprecedented expansion. Even though much work needs to be done to precisely evaluate the genuine benefits provided by these particles, such as issues with nanotoxicity, theranostic nanoparticles will have a significant impact on the field of nanomedicine.

Keywords: Diabetes neuropathy, theranostics, nanotechnology, nanoparticles, inhalable nanoparticles, multiwalled carbon nanotubes.

Graphical Abstract
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