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Current Medical Imaging


ISSN (Print): 1573-4056
ISSN (Online): 1875-6603

Research Article

Efficacy of Bronchial Artery Embolization for Clinically Suspected Bronchial Dieulafoy’s Disease

Author(s): Jung Guen Cha, Jihoon Hong*, Gab Chul Kim, Byunggeon Park, Jongmin Park, Seo Young Park, Kyung Min Shin, Jae-Kwang Lim and So Mi Lee

Volume 20, 2024

Published on: 06 November, 2023

Article ID: e15734056280554 Pages: 11

DOI: 10.2174/0115734056280554231030092246



Background: The efficacy of bronchial artery embolization (BAE) for bronchial Dieulafoy’s disease (BDD) has not been well established.

Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of BAE in patients with clinically suspected BDD presenting with major hemoptysis, and to describe angiographic findings.

Methods: 17 patients (all men; mean age, 53.5 years) diagnosed with clinically suspected BDD by bronchoscopy (n = 7) or CT angiography (CTA) (n = 10) and who underwent BAE after directional and segmental localization of the target bronchus were enrolled. BAE was performed at the culprit bronchial artery traveling toward the target bronchus, regardless of the pathologic angiographic findings. Angiographic findings and clinical outcomes of BAE, including technical and clinical success, complication, recurrent hemoptysis, and follow-up imaging, were retrospectively reviewed.

Results: Representative angiographic findings included parenchymal hypervascularity prominent in the lobe where the BDD was located (82.4%), bronchial artery hypertrophy (70.6%), and contrast extravasation into the bleeding bronchus (17.6%). BAE was technically successful in all patients. All hemoptysis ceased within 24 h. No procedure-related complications occurred. During a mean follow-up of 491.9 days, 1 (6%) patient experienced recurrent hemoptysis. Follow-up bronchoscopy or CT performed in 10 (58.8%) patients showed the disappearance of pre-existing lesions (n = 9) or glue cast within the target bronchial artery (n = 1).

Conclusion: Bronchial angiography showed pathologic findings in most patients with clinically suspected BDD. BAE assisted by bronchoscopy or CTA localization is a safe and effective treatment for patients with clinically suspected BDD with excellent short- to mid-term results.

Keywords: Bronchial arteries, Therapeutic embolization, Bronchoscopy, CT angiography, Hemoptysis, Angiography.

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