Title:MXenes-based Multifunctional Nanomaterials for Lithium-ion Batteries:
Opportunities and Challenges
Volume: 13
Issue: 5
Author(s): Tika Ram Bhandari, Yub Narayan Thapa, Chiranjibi Dhakal and Rameshwar Adhikari*
- Central Department of Chemistry,
Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur 44600, Nepal
- Research Center for Applied Science and Technology (RECAST),
Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur 44600, Nepal
LIBs, electrode, MXenes, energy storage, nanocomposites, electrochemical performance.
Abstract: MXene-based multicomponent materials are 2D substances derived from transition metal (M)
with carbide/nitride combinations having several propitious uses, including the fabrication of highperformance
electrode materials utilized in Lithium- ion batteries (LIBs), particularly for energy storage
devices. The suitability of these new classes of materials for LIB electrodes can be attributed to their high
conductivity combined with their excellent surface properties desirable for electrode applications, such as
fast charge-discharge capability, high storage capacity and high rate capacity. However, there are several
challenges possessed by MXene-based nanomaterials in the application of their electrodes in future flexible
and wearable devices, demanding more research work and development strategies. After a brief overview
of MXenes used in batteries, this paper deals with the synthesis, morphology-properties correlations,
and their performance. Finally, this paper highlights the advantages, limitations, and challenges of
MXene-based electrodes for LIBs, ending with concluding remarks.