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ISSN (Print): 1381-6128
ISSN (Online): 1873-4286

Systematic Review Article

Risk Prediction Models and Novel Prognostic Factors for Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction: A Systematic and Comprehensive Review

Author(s): Shanshan Lin, Zhihua Yang, Yangxi Liu, Yingfei Bi, Yu Liu, Zeyu Zhang, Xuan Zhang, Zhuangzhuang Jia, Xianliang Wang* and Jingyuan Mao*

Volume 29, Issue 25, 2023

Published on: 07 September, 2023

Page: [1992 - 2008] Pages: 17

DOI: 10.2174/1381612829666230830105740

open access plus


Background: Patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) have large individual differences, unclear risk stratification, and imperfect treatment plans. Risk prediction models are helpful for the dynamic assessment of patients' prognostic risk and early intensive therapy of high-risk patients. The purpose of this study is to systematically summarize the existing risk prediction models and novel prognostic factors for HFpEF, to provide a reference for the construction of convenient and efficient HFpEF risk prediction models.

Methods: Studies on risk prediction models and prognostic factors for HFpEF were systematically searched in relevant databases including PubMed and Embase. The retrieval time was from inception to February 1, 2023. The Quality in Prognosis Studies (QUIPS) tool was used to assess the risk of bias in included studies. The predictive value of risk prediction models for end outcomes was evaluated by sensitivity, specificity, the area under the curve, C-statistic, C-index, etc. In the literature screening process, potential novel prognostic factors with high value were explored.

Results: A total of 21 eligible HFpEF risk prediction models and 22 relevant studies were included. Except for 2 studies with a high risk of bias and 2 studies with a moderate risk of bias, other studies that proposed risk prediction models had a low risk of bias overall. Potential novel prognostic factors for HFpEF were classified and described in terms of demographic characteristics (age, sex, and race), lifestyle (physical activity, body mass index, weight change, and smoking history), laboratory tests (biomarkers), physical inspection (blood pressure, electrocardiogram, imaging examination), and comorbidities.

Conclusion: It is of great significance to explore the potential novel prognostic factors of HFpEF and build a more convenient and efficient risk prediction model for improving the overall prognosis of patients. This review can provide a substantial reference for further research.

Keywords: Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, risk prediction model, prognostic factor, risk stratification, dynamic assessment, biomarkers.

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