Title:A Fistulized Giant Duodenal Stromal Tumor in a Young Patient: A Case Report
With Literature Review for Tomographic Diagnosis
Volume: 20
Author(s): Gulsum Kilickap*
- Department of Radiology, Universiteler Mahallesi, Ankara Sehir Hastanesi Radyoloji Bolumu, Onkoloji Binası Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor, Case report, Duodenum, Fistula, Tomography, Diagnosis.
Duodenal gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are rare tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. It should be considered in the differential diagnosis
of periampullary region pathologies.
Case Report:
A 24-year-old male patient applied to the general surgery department with the complaint of long-standing abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting
after meals, and 8-10 kg weight loss in 1 month. Three-phase dynamic abdominopelvic CT showed that the 1st and the 2nd segments of the
duodenum were dilated. At this level, a peripherally intensely contrasted heterogeneous mass lesion, 91x70x46 mm in size, was observed. There
was oral contrast and air values in the center of the mass. A fistulized mass connected with the duodenal wall was considered in the differential
diagnosis. In the surgical exploration, a soft, vascularized mass fistulized to the 2nd segment of the duodenum was observed. Pathological
diagnosis was reported as GIST.
GISTs arise from the precursors of Cajal Interstitial cells of the gastrointestinal tract. Contrast-enhanced CT is the preferred diagnostic method for
staging, risk stratification, and follow-up. We presented a young case with a giant duodenal GIST and discussed differential diagnosis and some
diagnostic properties.