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ISSN (Print): 1568-0266
ISSN (Online): 1873-4294

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Pharmacological Activities of the Genus Passiflora (Passifloraceae): A Patent Review

Author(s): Ana Ediléia Barbosa Pereira Leal, Érica Martins de Lavor, Jackson de Menezes Barbosa, Maria Taís de Moura Fontes Araújo, Cristiane dos Santos Cerqueira Alves, Raimundo Gonçalves de Oliveira Júnior, Ádley Antonini Neves de Lima and Jackson Roberto Guedes da Silva Almeida*

Volume 22, Issue 28, 2022

Published on: 26 August, 2022

Page: [2315 - 2328] Pages: 14

DOI: 10.2174/1568026622666220819160923

Price: $65


Background: Passiflora L. is a genus belonging to the Passifloraceae family, with many species widely used in folk medicine and several pharmacological activities described in the scientific literature, being a major target for the development of new therapeutic products. Studies have identified several bioactive compounds in their composition as responsible for these activities, mainly C-glycoside flavonoids.

Objective: The aim of this study was to carry out a review of patents related to the genus and its application in several pharmacological activities, important for the development of new drugs and formulations.

Methods: The search was carried out in 5 specialized databases, INPI, EPO, WIPO, Latipat and Derwent, using the term ‘Passiflora’ combined with ‘A61K and A61P', subclasses of section A of the International Patent Classification (IPC), which are destined to medical, dental or hygienic purposes, and therapeutic activity of chemical compounds or medicinal preparation, respectively.

Results: 1,198 patents citing the genus in the title or abstract have been found, 508 being duplicates. After exclusion and inclusion criteria, 23 patents written in English, Portuguese and Spanish were selected, which demonstrated biological assays in vivo with species of Passiflora as the only active constituent or incorporated in formulations with other compounds.

Conclusion: The findings of this search showed growing interest in research and industrial areas in the pharmaceutical development with species of Passiflora, suggesting that the different bioactive compounds present in the genus can be considered as an important tool for the development of new effective and safe products with pharmacological potential.

Keywords: Bioactive compounds, C-glycoside flavonoids, Medicinal plants, Passiflora, Patents, Pharmacological activity.

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