Review Article

Gene Therapy for Chronic Traumatic Brain Injury: Challenges in Resolving Long-term Consequences of Brain Damage

Author(s): Vipin V. Dhote*, Prem Samundre, Aman B. Upaganlawar and Aditya Ganeshpurkar

Volume 23, Issue 1, 2023

Published on: 03 January, 2022

Page: [3 - 19] Pages: 17

DOI: 10.2174/1566523221666211123101441

Price: $65


The gene therapy is alluring not only for CNS disorders but also for other pathological conditions. Gene therapy employs the insertion of a healthy gene into the identified genome to replace or replenish genes responsible for pathological disorder or damage due to trauma. The last decade has seen a drastic change in the understanding of vital aspects of gene therapy. Despite the complexity of traumatic brain injury (TBI), the advent of gene therapy in various neurodegenerative disorders has reinforced the ongoing efforts of alleviating TBI-related outcomes with gene therapy. The review highlights the genes modulated in response to TBI and evaluates their impact on the severity and duration of the injury. We have reviewed strategies that pinpointed the most relevant gene targets to restrict debilitating events of brain trauma and utilize vector of choice to deliver the gene of interest at the appropriate site. We have made an attempt to summarize the long-term neurobehavioral consequences of TBI due to numerous pathometabolic perturbations associated with a plethora of genes. Herein, we shed light on the basic pathological mechanisms of brain injury, genetic polymorphism in individuals susceptible to severe outcomes, modulation of gene expression due to TBI, and identification of genes for their possible use in gene therapy. The review also provides insights on the use of vectors and challenges in translations of this gene therapy to clinical practices.

Keywords: TBI, cognitive decline, apoptosis, gene therapy, polymorphism, vectors, translation.

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