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Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry


ISSN (Print): 1568-0266
ISSN (Online): 1873-4294

Review Article

Bergenin - A Biologically Active Scaffold: Nanotechnological Perspectives

Author(s): Reecha Madaan, Rajeev K. Singla*, Suresh Kumar, Ankit Kumar Dubey, Dinesh Kumar, Pooja Sharma, Rajni Bala, Shailja Singla and Bairong Shen*

Volume 22, Issue 2, 2022

Published on: 15 October, 2021

Page: [132 - 149] Pages: 18

DOI: 10.2174/1568026621666211015092654

Price: $65


Bergenin, 4-O-methyl gallic acid glucoside, is a bioactive compound in various plants belonging to different families. The present work compiles scattered information on pharmacology, structure-activity relationship and nanotechnological aspects of bergenin, collected from various electronic databases such as Sci Finder, PubMed, Google Scholar, etc. Bergenin has been reported to exhibit hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, neuroprotective, antiviral, and antimicrobial activities. Molecular docking studies have shown that isocoumarin pharmacophore of bergenin is essential for its bioactivities. Bergenin holds a great potential to be used as a lead molecule and also as a therapeutic agent for the development of more efficacious and safer semisynthetic derivatives. Nanotechnological concepts can be employed to overcome the poor bioavailability of bergenin. Finally, it is concluded that bergenin can emerge as clinically potential medicine in modern therapeutics.

Keywords: Anticancer, Anti-inflammatory, Bergenin, Hepatoprotective, Molecular docking, Nanotechnology.

Graphical Abstract
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