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Current Women`s Health Reviews


ISSN (Print): 1573-4048
ISSN (Online): 1875-6581

Case Report

Sarcoidosis and Sarcoid Reactions in Endometrial Cancer Cases Masquerading Advanced Stage Malignancy

Author(s): Serkan Akis*, Canan Kabaca, Esra Keles, Handan Cetiner and Hatice Akay

Volume 18, Issue 1, 2022

Published on: 08 February, 2021

Article ID: e061221191217 Pages: 4

DOI: 10.2174/1573404817666210208163237

Price: $65


Background: Sarcoidosis is usually diagnosed by ruling out other granulomatous inflammatory diseases. Rarely, it may be suspected with a pathological examination after surgical intervention for another disease. The sarcoid reaction is noninfectious granulomatous lymphadenitis, which can occur at nodes draining a neoplasm. We demonstrated granulomatous lesions masquerading metastasis by Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (PET/CT) in endometrial cancer. We presented two cases of endometrial cancer with sarcoidosis and sarcoid-like reactions because of their challenging clinical and radiological findings.

Cases: In case 1, there was diffuse granulomatous inflammation (no metastasis) in lymph nodes (n = 92) and giant cells containing calcifications (Schaumann bodies). In case 2, PET/CT revealed hypermetabolism with malignancy suspicion in the pelvic lymph nodes (maximum standardized uptake value= 13) and pathological evaluation reported a 4.5 cm tumor within the uterine cavity without any nodal metastasis.

Results: PET/CT has no role in the evaluation of differential diagnosis between granulomatous lymphadenitis and metastatic disease.

Conclusion: Granulomatous lesions might mimic the metastasis of coexisting malignant diseases.

Keywords: Cancer staging, endometrial cancer, lymph node, sarcoidosis, sarcoid reaction, schaumann bodies.

Graphical Abstract
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