Title:Distinct Forms of Spinal Cysticercosis: A Vietnamese Case Series
Volume: 17
Author(s): Nguyen D. Hung, Nguyen M. Duc*, Than V. Sy, Le T. Dung, Trinh A. Tuan and Nguyen D. Hue
- Department of Radiology, Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine, Ho Chi Minh City,Vietnam
Neurocysticercosis, spinal cysticercosis, parasite, taenia solium, nervous system infections, magnetic resonance
Introduction: Neurocysticercosis (NCC), a major contributor to the burden of seizure disorders
and epilepsy in the world, is one of the most common parasitic infections of the central nervous
system, which is usually located in the brain. Medical therapy for NCC should initially cover
appropriate symptom control and then the use of antiparasitic agents should be considered. Antiparasitic
treatment is of benefit in most cases of viable and degenerating NCC. Nevertheless, cysticercosis
of the spinal cord is very uncommon.
Case Series: In this article, we recorded 5 cases of extramedullary-intradural lumbar spinal cysticercosis,
in which one case displayed cystic lesions in both brain and spine, one case showed an independent
cystic lesion in the spine, and three remaining cases showed diffuse lesions in the spinal canal.
Conclusion: Thus, in any case of single or numerous cystic lesions or dispersed lesions entering
the spinal canal, spinal cysticercosis should be considered.