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Current Drug Delivery


ISSN (Print): 1567-2018
ISSN (Online): 1875-5704

Review Article

The Application of Chemometrics for Efficiency Enhancement and Toxicity Reduction in Cancer Treatment with Combined Therapy

Author(s): Ke Qian, Binjun Yan* and Yang Xiong*

Volume 18, Issue 6, 2021

Published on: 17 August, 2020

Page: [679 - 687] Pages: 9

DOI: 10.2174/1567201817999200817152235

Price: $65


Chemometrics is an important emerging discipline with unique charm formed by the intersection of mathematics, statistics, chemistry and computer science. The application of chemometrics in the field of pharmacy has injected fresh blood into the scientific research and clinical practice of medicine and has provided a sufficient scientific basis for drug analysis and content determination to solve the problem of cancer treatment with combined therapy in different ranges. This paper introduces the basic principles, advantages and disadvantages of several commonly used pattern recognition and multidimensional correction methods of chemometrics, reviews the application of chemometrics for efficiency enhancement and toxicity reduction in cancer treatment with combined therapy and summarizes its development and prospects in the future.

Keywords: Chemometrics, pattern recognition, multidimensional correction, cancer treatment, combined therapy, bone marrow suppression.

Graphical Abstract
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