Title:Cerebral Cystic Echinococcosis: A Child with a Giant Hydatid Cyst
Volume: 2
Author(s): Mohammed Nooruldeen Jabbar*
- Department of Neurosurgery, Canadian Specialist Hospital, Dubai,United Arab Emirates
Hydatid Cyst, Tapeworm, Cerebral, Craniotomy, Child, Hemiplegia, Papilledema.
Raising awareness of healthcare providers about headache and early morning vomiting in children.
Intracranial cystic hydatid disease (Echinococcosis) is a rare worldwide disease caused by encysted larvae of the dog tapeworm Echinococcus
granulosa. Human is the intermediate host of this parasite and CNS involvement occurs in only 3%. Clinically, the cyst causes a seizure, increased
intracranial pressure and/or focal neurological deficit. Surgical removal of the intact cyst by the Dowling technique is the treatment. A 4-year-old
girl was referred to a neurosurgery clinic with a history of headache and early morning vomiting over the previous 2 months. Neurological
examination revealed right hemiparesis and bilateral papilloedema. Emergency brain CT-scan revealed a huge intracranial cystic lesion with
midline shift. Emergency craniotomy was done and the cyst was removed intact without complication and sent for histopathological examination.
The patient was discharged from the hospital with full recovery.