Title:T9-T10 Osteomyelitis, Epidural Abscess and Cord Compression Secondary to Mycobacterium abscessus: A Case Report
Volume: 21
Issue: 2
Author(s): Michelle A. Davis*Suresh Antony
- Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine, Las Cruces, New Mexico,United States
Mycobacterium abscessus, osteomyelitis, diagnosis, management, outcomes, epidural abscess.
Abstract: Background: We report a case of spinal abscess/osteomyelitis at the T9-T10 levels in a
non-immunocompromised patient who presented with lower extremity weakness secondary to a
Mycobacterium abscessus infection. This patient was successfully treated with surgical debridement
with amikacin-tigecycline-imipenem triple therapy before and after her debridement. Outcomes
and treatment with this rare cause of epidural abscess/osteomyelitis are not well defined at
this time.
Case Report: Clinical Presentations with this species of mycobacterium are usually systemic with
patients presenting with pulmonary and soft tissue infections. The primary presentation of spinal
epidural abscess/osteomyelitis is unusual, especially when there is no primary focus such as a lung
infection or concurrent bacteremia.
Conclusion: This paper presents a new case of spinal osteomyelitis without a primary source in addition
to 10 previously reported M. abscessus cases. The treatment plans and outcomes suggest that
surgical debridement along with a macrolide-based combination therapy should be considered a
definitive treatment against Mycobacterium abscesses.